Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Beetles Older Than Dinosaurs

And the Rolling Stones are older than both of them.

clipped from

New research hints that modern-day versions of the insects are far older than any tyrannosaur that trod the Earth.

RNPS PICTURES OF THE YEAR - A boy watches beetle sumo competition of the IWBC (Insect World Battle Championships) in a miniature ring in Tokyo August 26, 2007.  REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon (JAPAN)

Today's plethora of beetle species were thought to have blossomed 140 million years ago, during the rise of flowering plants. But the new study of beetle DNA and fossils, published in the Dec. 21 issue of the journal Science, pushes their appearance back to 300 million years ago.

"Unlike the dinosaurs which dwindled to extinction, beetles survived because of their ecological diversity and adaptability," said the study's lead scientist Alfried Vogler, an entomologist at Imperial College London and the Natural History Museum in London.

"The large number of beetle species existing today could very well be a direct result of this early evolution," Vogler said, "and the fact that there has been a very high rate of survival and continuous diversification of many lineages since then."

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