Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Bride Sues - Flowers Wrong Color!

Hmmm - she's quite a catch!

They say New Yorkers are a demanding bunch - and one wedding florist is finding out exactly how fussy they can be. The flowers were the wrong color!

A furious bride is suing Posy Floral Design in Manhattan for $400,000 - about £196,000 - because she says the flowers they provided were the wrong shade.

Elana Glatt is suing the firm for alleged breach of contract.

She says Posy Floral Design substituted pastel pink and green hydrangeas for the dark rust and green ones she had specified for 22 centrepieces.

Ms Glatt, who is a lawyer, filed a lawsuit on behalf of herself, her husband David and her mother-in-law, Tobi Glatt.

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Eric Roberts said...

can you say crackheads? Suing over the wrong color flowers? am actually still trying to get past paying 27k for flowers... What a waste of money. maybe instead they could have donated that to a charity and this whole asinine and frivolous lawsuit could have been avoided...

Still shaking my head at this...


xtnshun said...

She obviously argues that her day wasn't as special as it could have been, especially after paying 27k.

I would argue that anyone marrying her is very, very brave.