Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Man Goes for 9th wife/68th Child

A sigh of relief from the first eight wives......

EMEK HEFER, Israel - With eight wives and 67 children, Shahadeh Abu Arrar has given new meaning to the term "family man." Abu Arrar, 58, is a member of Israel's impoverished Bedouin Arab community. But even in a traditional society where men commonly have several wives and many children, Abu Arrar is exceptional.

"I'm thinking about a new wife, No. 9," he told the Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot in a recent interview. "There are many women who wish to marry me and there is no lack of women. I never had a problem with such things."

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1 comment:

xtnshun said...

I thought they had that law and didn't enforce it? Anyway, they should of course, but, as it says in the article, I think the long term solution is education and investment so people can make a reasoned choice on what they do with their lives.