Thursday, October 25, 2007

Walmart Employee Takes Pictures of Bottoms

Why is it always Wal-Mart? Why didn't he turn off the camera click? Why did he admit to 20 other offenses? So many questions...and I don't really care about the answers.

clipped from

ROUND ROCK — A Wal-Mart employee was arrested Monday after he took cell phone pictures of a shopper's bottom, Round Rock police said.

The shopper said she heard a camera click behind her as she walked through the store at 4700 East Palm Valley Blvd. When she turned around, she saw 23-year-old Baldemar Vela acting as if he were talking on the phone, according to an arrest affidavit.

Vela later told police that he followed the woman because he found her attractive, according to the affidavit. He also said that he had taken as many as 20 such pictures of other women.

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