Monday, November 19, 2007

Dog Goes Back - For More??

Obedient DogWell, the dog left a couple of things behind!

clipped from

JOPLIN, Mo. - It might be understandable for a dog to run away from a veterinary clinic where he had just been neutered. But a veterinarian said the reverse happened at his clinic last week.

Dr. Steve Walstad said a lost black mixed-breed dog he called 'Radar' was waiting outside his clinic on Nov. 11, three days after a woman caring for him picked up him up after surgery and several weeks of boarding.

Walsted said that in his 28-year career, he has never heard of a dog returning to a vet's office. The dog was staying at the woman's house a mile from the clinic and had never traveled there on foot.

But, after a story and photos of the lost dog appeared, two boys from Diamond, Mo., came forward to claim the animal.

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