Thursday, November 8, 2007

Super Mice Developed

Now we just need super cats!

clipped from
Mighty Mouse - a genetically modified rodent who can run faster, live longer and eat twice as much as normal mice without putting on weight - has been bred by scientists in the US.
Normal mice tire more quickly

He was given his super-powers through the modification of a single metabolism gene shared with human beings.

Professor Richard Hanson, who led the research, said the creatures' powers were comparable to a cyclist pedalling up a mountain without stopping.

"They are 10 times more active than ordinary mice in their home cage. They also live longer - up to three years of age - and are reproductively active for almost three years. In short they are remarkable animals."

He said they ate twice as much as normal mice but were half the weight. On the downside, however, he said "they are very aggressive. Why this is the case we are not really sure."

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