Thursday, April 17, 2008

Hedgehogs Replace Dogs

It's like replacing a dog with a hamster. I can't see them replacing dogs, but they are cute.

clipped from

LONDON (Reuters) - Can man's best friend be replaced by a prickly pal the size of your palm?

Busy pet lovers have been buying hedgehogs, whose nocturnal habits make them appealing to the modern worker because they wake in the evening when their owners arrive home after a day in the office.

A hedgehog saved from being culled by Hessilhead Wildlife Rescue Centre is seen in full health in Beith, Scotland, April 17, 2003. Busy pet lovers have been buying hedgehogs, whose nocturnal habits make them appealing to the modern worker because they wake in the evening when their owners arrive home after a day in the office. REUTERS/Jeff J Mitchell

"They are unbelievably pretty little creatures&, the way they bumble along, the way they poke their noses into everything," hedgehog breeder Bonnie Martin told Reuters.

Initial costs for the animal and accompanying equipment can run to 300 pounds. But hedgehogs, who can survive on cat food, are cheaper to feed because they eat a third of the household cat's daily diet, Martin said.

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