Monday, March 10, 2008

Elephants Attempt to Rig Election

Now, is it Obama or Clinton who's trying to rig the election in Sri Lanka, WI?

clipped from

Security forces armed with loud hailers were deployed in eastern Sri Lanka Monday to drive away wild elephants blocking access to polling booths, police said.

An African elephant. Security forces armed with loud hailers have been deployed in eastern Sri Lanka to drive away wild elephants blocking access to polling booths, police said.(AFP/File/Sebastien Bozon)

Villagers in Wellaveli told the authorities that they were unable to vote at the first local elections in 14 years because a herd of elephants had blocked their polling booth, a police official in the area said.

"We sent a team of commandos in armoured personnel carriers and loud hailers and sirens to drive away the elephants," the official said. "The roads have now been cleared."

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