Friday, March 14, 2008

Female Mice Wanted For Secret Experiment?

There are so many things they could be used for. The thing I'm stumped by is why they have to be female.

clipped from

MOSCOW (Reuters) -

Wanted: 3,200 white mice. Must be female. No more than 18 grams.

Purchaser: the Kremlin security service.

A mouse's memory is recorded by sensors connected to its head in a laboratory in East China Normal University in Shanghai April 25, 2005. REUTERS/Aly Song

So why does the Kremlin guard, which is made up of former spies and elite troops who protect President Vladimir Putin, want to buy so many female white mice?

"Everyone is wondering what they are for. But if they were ordered then that means they are needed," an official from the service said with a gruff chuckle.

Some Russian media have also speculated the mice could play a role in testing toxic substances or indicating the presence of dangerous gases.

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